Get Involved

Getting involved means more than just contributing code. See here a list of task you can take part of to make MinEE better.

Contribute Code

Test and report bugs

Write documentation

Request features

Use it, discuss it, reference it



Main Principals

MinEE follows some principals that you also should follow if you want to join

Independent on the Servlet Implementation

As long as your container implements the javax.servlet-api specification, our framework should work. This way it makes it flexible and you can choose whatever vendor you like.

YAGNI (You aren't gonna need it)

Don't overengeneer any component of the code. Every base functionality should also be used somewhere in the code or provided to the user. We like straight forward code that is understandable for everyone. If you need those specific base functionality at some point of time, you can add it by refactoring and then use it. The refactoring then should be quite easy, because we maintain very simple code.

No external dependencies

One of the most common pain in enterprise software development is the JAR Hell. There are some very common and widely spread libraries that many projects, frameworks or other libraries include - in a specific version. In order to make your application run you need to match those inherited dependencies. In some large scale projects this means, you can't update to a later version of one or more dependencies without intoducing a bunch of new not obvious bugs or even break the whole system. This often leads to the motto 'Never touch a running system', which we now, is paradise for hackers and malicious software. We don't want to be part of the JAR Hell and therefore try to rely as much as possible on JRE functionality. The javassist is allready a target for consolidation.